Wellness Competition

Week 7 Challenge

Great Eight vs. Don't DV8
The Avengers vs. Wellenators
5 Alive vs. Los Hombres XXL
Team Wreck-it vs. Willie and the Oompas

(Underline = Challenger, Bold = Challenge)\

Week 6 Challenge

Great Eight vs. The Avengers
Wellenators vs. Los Hombres XXL
5 Alive vs. Team Wreck-It
Willie and the Oompas vs Don't DV8

Week 5 Challenge

Great Eight vs Los Hombres XXL
The Avengers vs Willie and the Oompas
5 Alive vs Don't DV8
Team Wreck-It vs Wellenators

Week 4 Challenges

Great Eight vs 5 Alive
Wellenators vs Willie and the Oompas
Team Wreck-it vs the Avengers
Don't DV8 vs Los Hombres XXL

Week 3 Challenges:

Great 8 vs Team Wreck-it Shot Put
Wellenators vs Don't DV8 Musical Chairs
5 Alive vs The Avengers Relay Race
Willie and the Oompas vs Los Hombres XXL Balance

Week 2 Challenge

Great 8 vs WIllie And the Oompas Flexibility
The Avengers vs Don't DV8 Balance
5 Alive vs Wellenators Jump Rope
Team Wreck It vs Los Hombres XXL Tug of War

Week 1 Challenges:

Great Eight vs Wellenators-Golf Challenge
The Avengers vs Los Hombres XXL-Tug of War
5 Alive vs Willie and the Oompas-Tug of War
Team Wreck-It vs Don't DV8-Jump Off

Team Captains

Great Eight-Vickie Smith-Pizzo
Wellenators-Peter Reich
The Avengers-Ginger Lewis
Los Hombres XXL-Sara Peterson
5 Alive-Bruce Henderson
Willie Wonka and the Oompa Loompas-Willie Finch
Team Wreck-It-Dan Goudy
Don't DV8-Darren Johnson

Gloria has hula hoops and burlap sacks available for anyone to use for challenges in the upcoming weeks. Talk to her if you are interested.

Each week, each team can challenge their opponent to a team challenge for an extra 50 points.
The first team to submit their challenge to their opponent (and Heather Hoyer), decides the challenge.
Challenge contest must be declared (in the email) at the time of the challenge.
The challenged team can choose to forfeit.
If the challenging team fails to organize the challenge, they forfeit.
The challenging team is epected to provide all the equipment necessary to run the contest.
Challenges must include at least five players from each team.
Challenges should be simple enough to be completed in 15 mins or less.
Challenges are encouraged to take place during lunch or just after work, as is agreed to by boh teams.
Original challenge dates and times can be moved if need be. Both captains are expected to work with each other so that bothe teams have at least 5 members present and available to participate.
If a team makes it impossible to work around them, then, they forfeit.
A member of the Wellness Committee, other than those participating, must be in attendance and will be the final judge as to the winner of the challenge. All decisions are final.


  1. I am not the team captain. Sarah is.

  2. Team Los Ombres is going down!!

  3. First of all if your going to insult us start by saying our name RIGHT!!!! It's HOMBRES!!!

  4. Team Wreck-it sure got wrecked by our mad jumping skills! Way to go Don't DV8!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
